Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I don't know why I let myself get hopeful every cycle! Monday was 15dpiui and no I tested and of course, BFN. The next day AF arrived. Blah!

I know it sounds weird, but I'm kind of excited to be taking a break. It will be good for my sanity! I am hoping to drop some pounds and save up for IVF. I'm hoping we'll be able to do IVF sometime next year. I would like to drop about 50lbs before then. I found a great website to help me. I got that website from thebeadinglady! Thanks again for the tip!

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive. It really sucks that we have to deal with so much heartache :(

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wow! It's been a long time!

I have been inspired by some of the girls on the IF board to start blogging again....I just sat and read through my old's amazing to read the emotions that I experienced so long ago, and am still experiencing.

Today, I am 12dpiui#3. I do not feel optimistic at all. So I guess I'm just waiting for AF to show. Unfortunately, if this cycle doesn't result in pregnancy, we are taking another break from TTC. I know that weight loss would help my chances of getting pregnant. Also, we need to save up some money because I think our next step will be IVF. We are lucky enough to now have 50% coverage for infertility but we have a $15,000 lifetime maximum, so I don't want to waste my entire coverage doing IUI's....I would rather move on with something that has a much higher chance of working!
